Only Tyent’s Water Ionizers Filter Beyond Industry Standards

Lots of homes (maybe even yours) use a water purifier nowadays. But just how effective is it, and just how bad is our tap water to begin with?


Recently, the New York Times issued a startling report on the state of our nation’s water supply.

According to the Times,

since 2004 the water provided to more than 49 million Americans has contained illegal levels of chemicals like arsenic, not to mention the same bacteria often found in sewers.

I don’t know about you, but that number seems way too high. Knowing that my parents, my kids and my little Boston Terrier Scooter are possibly drinking lead every day worries me just a little bit. 

Luckily for Scooter, there’s an easy fix.

Enter Alkaline Water


Fact is, Tyent’s water ionizers do more than provide the best alkaline water. Ionization works best on the purest filtered water, and that’s exactly what we do.

The secret is Tyent’s multi-step filtration process, taking water purity above and beyond industry standards.

Our first filter uses activated carbon to remove tons of harmful or undesirable chemicals from your water, such as chlorine.

The second filter combines additional carbon with various ceramics, and weeds out toxic heavy metals and other particulates.

Tyent’s water filtration goes a step further, offering ultra filtration that delivers drinking water so pure, it has the same particle levels used in machines for kidney dialysis.

To summarize, Tyent ionizers:

  • remove arsenic and heavy metals;
  • get rid of harmful bacteria;
  • and reach the same purity standards as kidney dialysis machines!

Not bad, right?

Clean Water Is What We Do


Your tap water isn’t fooling Scooter. Where’s the Tyent?

Luckily, Tyent also has access to an extensive national database covering drinking water contaminants—and can instantly inform you which particulates affect the water in your own home.

Using that data, Tyent is able to construct a pre-filter solution customized for your house, making sure every glass of tap water you drink is pure and clean.

To take the next step in enjoying safe drinking water for you and your family, take a look at our water ionizer buying guide, or call us at .

And with a 75-day trial, what have you got to lose?

The health benefits of drinking clean water are self-explanatory—but Tyent’s water ionizers go even deeper.

Research has increasingly shown support for the health benefits of alkaline ionized water.

But if you’re going to drink alkaline water, go with the best.

Go with Tyent

Tyent’s water ionizers are consistently voted top of their class, beating out all other brands of alkaline water ionizers in terms of quality, purity and customer satisfaction.

In fact, Tyent is the ionizer of choice for both the Oasis of Hope Cancer Treatment Center and multiple medical professionals, such as Dr. Richard Powell.

Ready to take the plunge, or do you still have questions about our water ionizers?

Either way, give us a ring at and our team will be more than happy to answer all of your questions!

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