A Reader Wants to Know: Can I Stay Hydrated with Soda? (Revised)

Posted by: On February 5, 2015 5:12 pm

I was surprised when I first read this question.  It’s amazing to me that some people still don’t realize just how unhealthy those sugar-laden soft drinks are for you and the damage they impart.

A horror movie coming to a landfill near you.
A horror movie coming to a landfill near you.

Soft drinks are water based, so you may get the water you need to stay alive from drinking them. But it is what is added to that water that makes it so bad for you.  It’s no secret these days that science has proven sugar is really bad for us and when consumed in excess can lead to any number of serious health problems, with Diabetes being at the top of that list. 

Then there is

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Happy Customers Rave About the Amazing Results Experienced by Drinking Tyent Ionized Water (New + Improved)

Posted by: On February 4, 2015 6:45 pm

I love these real world, heartfelt endorsements.  They fully support what people have been saying about ionized alkaline water: it does have healing properties that are undeniable.

JenniferandRickFMendykaSr (1)
Rich and Jennifer thank Tyent Water for their improved health.

Say hello to Rick and Jennifer Mendyka.  Rick is one of Tyent’s most enthusiastic and dedicated fans.  Rick has realized firsthand the undeniable difference that drinking Tyent Alkaline Water has made to his health and therefore, the quality of his life.

There’s no way that Rick began drinking Tyent Water and it took 30 days for some placebo effect to kick in that relieved all the health problems he was dealing with.  Besides, placebos are only temporary.  If they worked continuously they

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Former Acid Reflux Sufferer Credits Tyent Ionized Water (Updated)

Posted by: On February 3, 2015 7:50 pm

Yesterday we learned how Franci Crownoble reported an improvement in her high blood pressure and arthritis after drinking Tyent ionized water.  

Could Tyent Water help your arthritis too?
Could Tyent Water help your arthritis?

Franci is merely one of the hundreds of people who have gotten back in touch with Tyent to let them know just how much they enjoy their Tyent water ionizers and the health benefits they have received.

What Other Health Conditions Can Ionized Alkaline Water Help?  

Scores of people have reported relief and benefits from a long list of medical conditions after drinking ionized alkaline water.  With so many people from all parts of the globe touting the good news about ionized alkaline water, you reach a point where you begin to

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Does Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Contain Medicine? (Version 2)

Posted by: On February 2, 2015 7:40 pm

When you have a product that people rave about on multiple levels, including physical relief from any number of medical conditions, one could be forgiven for believing it contains medicine. While ionized water has been linked to a multitude of health benefits, it does not in fact contain pharmaceutical “medicine.”

How One Tyent Water Drinker Saw Improvement in her Health

Franci-CrownobleMany Tyent customers have reported improved health and wellness after drinking Tyent Water. Franci Crownoble is one such customer. Franci suffered from high blood pressure, until she began drinking ionized alkaline water from Tyent.  Below is what Franci had to say about the improvement to her blood pressure along with an added bonus since she began drinking Tyent

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Ionized Alkaline Water Better For You Simply By What It Doesn’t Contain (Revised)

Posted by: On January 29, 2015 6:48 pm

Many of the questions received here at Tyent have two familiar themes running through them: medicine and chemicals.  People, it would seem, are under the impression that ionized alkaline water must contain added chemicals to make it more beneficial than regular water. 

Tyent water ionizers never add chemicals
Tyent water ionizers never add chemicals to your water.

That is understandable, I mean, water is water right, so how can water be anything more without the introduction of chemicals?

To begin with, water is water.  However, the water that flows from your tap at home may have so many chemicals floating around in it that it’s scary.  In addition, when the water in your municipality reaches the treatment plant, part of the process in cleaning

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Tyent Water Ionizers vs Reverse Osmosis Part 2 (Version 2)

Posted by: On January 27, 2015 6:19 pm

Yesterday we looked at the way in which the process of Reverse Osmosis works to purify water.  In a nutshell, this is how RO works:  water is forced by pressure through a semi-permeable membrane that allows the water molecules to pass through but not larger molecules like iron, salts and minerals.

glasses of water on a wooden table
How does RO water compare to Tyent Water?

The final product is water that contains fewer impurities, but also has had all the important minerals and salts filtered out.  As mentioned yesterday, many industries rely on non-corrosive RO water for use in the manufacture of their products.

Moreover, drinking water purified by this process requires that those minerals be reintroduced into the water to make it healthier. 

It’s Tyent’s

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Let the People Tell You What a Difference Owning a Tyent Water Ionizer Has Made in Their Lives! (Revised)

Posted by: On January 24, 2015 2:22 am

Yesterday I touched on the fact that people truly love their Tyent alkaline water machines.  From the refreshing taste, to its remarkable hydrating properties, and vast reduction of the level of chemicals present in tap water, Tyent Water is the water of choice for many.

Tyent customers trust their water. Do you?
Tyent customers trust their water. Do you?

However, there are those who remain unconvinced.  That may change after reading today’s heartfelt testimonial; but first, a question.

How is Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Good for the Skin?

Tyent offers a one-two punch when it comes to keeping skin beautiful. When ingested, Tyent alkaline water can help maintain a healthy complexion due to its ultra-hydrating abilities. When Tyent’s level 4.5 acidic water is applied to the

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What Makes People Fall in Love With Their Ionized Alkaline Water Ionizer From Tyent? – Let’s Find Out! (New + Improved!)

Posted by: On January 22, 2015 5:47 pm

Love is in the air and it isn’t even spring yet.  I refer to those people who purchased a Tyent alkaline water ionizer and the love they have for their machines.  It’s true; people truly love all the benefits that come with owning a water ionizer from Tyent and they have told us so in countless, unsolicited, unpaid, testimonials. And it makes sense. After all, Tyent ionizers are a brilliant combination of beauty and brains. 

What might some of those benefits be you may ask?  Excellent question!

To begin with, clean water.  Tyent’s Dual Filtration System provides superior filtering that reduces the presence of hundreds of the most dangerous chemicals lurking in your water at home to safe

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Comparing Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water to Bottled Water, Part 1 (Revised)

Posted by: On January 19, 2015 7:14 pm

There seems to be a lot of confusion and curiosity about ionized alkaline water these days.  Some people aren’t sure what it is.  Some want to know what it does, while others want to know if it is any better than plain old tap or bottled water.

We're here to remove the confusion about ionized water
We’re here to remove the confusion about ionized water

At Tyent, we want to answer those questions and more including the difference between ionized alkaline water and the tap or bottled water that most people drink every day. 

The question most asked is: 

Is Tyent Alkaline Water Really any Better than Bottled Water…and Why?

Unless you are buying your water or own a water purifier, you are most likely drinking water that

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Tyent Answers Your Questions Regarding Ionized Alkaline Water (Version 2)

Posted by: On January 14, 2015 7:34 pm

It is mid-week and the questions we receive here at Tyent show no signs of slowing down; if anything, they are speeding up. Every day, more people are realizing there is a healthy alternative to the chemical-laden tap water they are drinking at home.

Tyent Water can bring you peace of mind.
Tyent Water can bring you peace of mind.

 With literally hundreds of chemicals in heavy doses existing in the water at home, it is no wonder that cleaner, safer water is on the minds of many.

While no commercial water ionizer can remove all those chemicals, Tyent’s ionized alkaline water machines have been tested at a State Approved water-testing laboratory and proved to reduce the presence of scores of those chemicals to below acceptable

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